Digital e-poster sessions with new Silent Theater feature
Don't forget your earbuds.

Times: 12:40-1:10 p.m. | 1:20-1:50 p.m. | 3-3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 5, and Thursday, Feb. 6 | Poster Hall, Hall G
The digital poster sessions will take place in Digital Poster Theater 1 and Digital Poster Theater 2. Expert moderators will lead these sessions, which are organized by category. Each digital poster author will give a short presentation and Q&A with digital slides instead of a physical poster. To take part, view the Wednesday and Thursday Moderated Digital Poster Sessions in the Online Program Planner or on the Mobile Meeting Guide App. Decide which sessions you would like to attend. Then arrive at the corresponding Digital Poster Theater for your selected session. The Silent Theater feature will allow you to scan a QR code and listen to the audio on your personal earphones.